Today is World Autism Awareness day. My Facebook profile picture is my 8yo son Dylan, showing you, and me, what he thinks of autism. I imagine it’s something along the lines of “I just want to do what I want and have fun like every other boy. Sometimes it’s just hard.” Other times I imagine…
Read MoreAugcomm New Jersey is being produced by Eric Jager, who I’ve met. He’s a parent and skilled in meeting and event planning (at the big-boy level). I’m sure this will be a well-planned event with useful information for participants. Registration is now open for Augcomm New Jersey, a forum on augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)…
Read MoreHere’s a short link to one of my other blogs, Watch Rick Train. I’m raising money all year for Reed Academy, starting with the Tough Mudder in Pennsylvania tomorrow and finishing with Ironman Florida in November. My goal is $140,000. This is the start. Thanks for your support; I’ll post updates at the WRT blog.
Read MoreApparently No Child Left Behind is failing because it’s revealing that schools are leaving children behind. And so schools, rather than contemplate that they’re not doing well, are suggesting that goals be changed so that they can succeed. Seriously? They’re going to change the rules because the schools are failing? Isn’t that exactly the point…
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