While the I in “IEP” mean “individual,” many parents question how individualized educational and treatment programs are. When every child in a class has the same amount of classroom time, PT, OT, and speech therapy, they wonder where the I comes in. One problem I see as a parent is what seems to be a…
Read MoreThis article on the VA’s electronic records experience should be energizing autism service providers around the country, but I fear that it isn’t. The doctors involved have their own electronic records issues, and they’re almost certainly uncomfortable with anything that could make them responsible for inappropriate disclosures of information to non-medical providers, HIPAA releases notwithstanding.…
Read MoreThis brief description of an MRI study from Cambridge relates that two areas of the brain may affect sociability by affecting the value of social rewards to a person. They found that the greater the concentration of tissue in the orbitofrontal cortex (the outer strip of the brain just above the eyes), and in the…
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